
Aluminum Coil Cleaning Best Practices

Aluminum Coil Cleaning Best Practices

by HVAC Distributors

Goodman recently issued Service Bulletin SA-026 to address inquiries related to recommended cleaning practice for aluminum evaporator coils.

Best cleaning practice is to simply flush the coil with water. Alternately, you can use an approved, non-chlorine cleaner (such as Nu-Calgon – EVAP-Green – available at HVAC Distributors).

From Goodman:

After testing various coil cleaners and drain pan tablets, it has been determined that any cleaner or drain pan tablets containing chlorine can be harmful to the aluminum tube evaporator coils in our equipment. Constant exposure to the chlorine in the cleaner and chlorine outgassing from the pan tabs can cause tube corrosion and/or fin pack corrosion causing premature aluminum evaporator coil failures.

Damaged coil by chlorine exposure

Example of coil damage caused by chlorine exposure

The recommended cleaning method for both copper and aluminum tube evaporator coils is to simply flush the coil with water. Alternately, you can use an approved cleaning agent to clean the coils (Nu-Calgon EVAP-Green or Sunshine Makers Extreme Aircraft & Precision Cleaner). Ensure that coils are rinsed well after the use of any chemical cleaners.

This information is included in Installation Manuals and as a label on evaporator coils and air handlers, starting late February 2015.

HVAC Distributors stocks Nu-Calgon – EVAP-Green – Part/Product #4191-08, which is one of the approved chemical cleaners for aluminum coils. Ask for it at our branches if you are using cleaners for your Spring Tune Ups.