
E-Coated Air Coils

E-Coated Air Coils

by HVAC Distributors

ClimateMaster has issued technical service bulletin TBJ017 related to all water to air units with E-Coated (black) refrigerant air coils.

From ClimateMaster:

PRODUCT: All water to air units with E-Coated (black) refrigerant air coils

AFFECTED RANGE: All units with E-Coated air coils.

ISSUE: ClimateMaster has become aware of E-Coated refrigerant air coils being replaced suspected of refrigerant leaks that are not actually leaking. The decision made in the field to replace the coil is based on the streaking on the face of the fin pack that appears to be refrigerant oil. The picture below shows an example of what this streaking looks like:

Streaking on the face of the fin pack

This streaking is not an indication of a refrigerant leak and there is no adverse functional or operational effect to the coil or heat pump.

SOLUTION: Signs of oil, or what may look like oil, may be an indication of a refrigerant leak but should not be used as the sole determination of the leak location. When performing refrigerant leak investigations, always confirm the refrigerant leak with a refrigerant leak detector.

HVAC Distributors’ customers with questions or concerns can contact HVAC Technical Service.