
2023 Dealer Meeting Vendor Sponsorship Form

Attention Manufacturer Partner! HVAC Distributors Dealer Meetings bring together our most engaged dealers to learn about the products and services that we offer. The Dealer Meeting is an opportunity for you to network with our customers and share information about the products or services you offer.

Each participating vendor will receive a 6ft-8ft table at the event.  In lieu of vendor/table fees we are asking for individual sponsorships. Sponsorships include mention in the event advertisements, program, and signage at the event. Items will be removed from the list below when sponsorship goals are fulfilled.


Sept 12, 2023 – Germantown, MD
Sept 14, 2023 – Lancaster, PA
Sept 19, 2023 – Rochester, NY
Sept 21, 2023 – Pittsburgh, PA

Please respond by 8/31/23.

To participate, please complete the form below.