
Rectorseal Mighty Bracket Now In Stock at HVAC Distributors

Rectorseal Mighty Bracket Now In Stock at HVAC Distributors

by HVAC Distributors
Ductless Rectorseal Mighty Bracket

Rectorseal Mighty Bracket

Rectorseal’s Mighty Bracket is a ductless installation tool that reduces your labor costs on ductless installation or servicing jobs. From Rectorseal:

Mighty Bracket cuts job site labor costs by 50% because it reduces evaporator coil mounting and connecting to a hands-free, single-person task.

It’s available in-stock at HVAC Distributors branch locations. 

The Mighty Bracket attaches to the wall plate of the indoor unit and holds the indoor unit in place during installation, including refrigerant line and condensate line installation and electrical hookup.

The bracket is designed to assist with installation without damaging walls.

The support arms are long enough to allow evaporator coils to be temporarily angled away from the wall at 23- to 45-degrees for easy back panel access during installation or servicing.

Once installation is complete, the Mighty Bracket detaches easily from the wall plate. It folds easily for storage in a compact 28 x 6-inch black canvas tote bag.

The bracket holds most standard ductless units. Click here for full details from Rectorseal.