
Updated LG Duct-Free Presentations & Guide Specs

Updated LG Duct-Free Presentations & Guide Specs

by HVAC Distributors

LG recently issued Bulletin #101614A with updates to Duct-Free Split Single Zone and Multi-Zone presentations and guide specification files.

What information was updated?

Added content for new 2014 products:

  • Single Zone
    • 115V Mega (LS***HXV) – New Product
    • Long Pipe (LS***HLV) – New Product
  • Multi Zone
    • Outdoor Units (LMU–CHV) – New Generation
    • Standard Wall Mount (LMN***HVT) – 7MBH, 15MBH, 24MBH New Sizes
    • 4-way Cassette (LMCN***HV) – 7MBH, 9MBH New Sizes
    • Low Static Ducted (LMDN**6HV) – New Generation

Where can you locate the updated files?

The updated presentation files can be found at either of the following locations:

  • myLG HVAC > Engineering > Technical Documents
  • myLG HVAC > Marketing Materials > Presentations
    • Multi Zone Duct-Free Systems pptx
    • Single Zone Duct-Free Systems pptx

The updated guide specification files are located at:

  • myLG HVAC > Engineering > Guide Specifications
    • Wall Mount, Cassette, and High Static Duct
    • Multi F (MAX) and BD Units
    • Multi F Indoor Units

If you need further asssistance with an LG system configuration, contact HVAC Distributors’ Applications Department.

If you need assistance promoting LG, contact HVAC Distributors’ Marketing Department. We have trade show items available for rental that can help you showcase the LG line of ductless products.
